Salvi De Sena
What might it mean to grow sideways through time, like roots gently feeling their way through the soil – interacting with the decomposed remains of what has come before? Through sound, text, and looping 3D animation work, Salvi De Sena attempts to tap into alternate timescales and modes of temporality. In his work, plants become the emissaries to imperceptible worlds buried beneath our feet; shy ghosts tiptoe between past and future; and the ground and air themselves become the imprint surfaces of unseen pasts and strange enmeshments of bodies and landscapes. By revelling in the unknowns, the gaps, and the grainy incoherence that is an inevitable consequence of the passing of time, he opens up a space for (re)imagining quiet, unseen moments and desires that have slipped slowly from memory.

a falling from above I
C-type print on archival paper
30 x 42 cm

a falling from above II
C-type print on archival paper
30 x 42 cm