Lorraine Snape
Utilising magnets, fans, mirrors and small explosives, Lorraine Snape wants to create a sense of awe, inviting the viewer to catch a glimpse by revealing that which is unseen or hinted at; to highlight invisible forces and make concepts tangible.
Snape is fascinated with the materiality of things and conversely elusiveness itself. Subtle interventions create an illusion and evoke a sense of mysticism. The everydayness of objects such as fans, motors and balloons, belie the event being played out and act as the perfect magician, misdirecting. The performer is both the machinery and the ethereal motion it provides.

Magnitudes of Displacement
Irridescent film on khadi paper
83 x 62.5 cm

Magnitudes of Displacement
Irridescent film on khadi paper
83 x 62.5 cm